No Sympathy!
- Sayara Beg.
This woman is in a bad financial situation entirely of her own making.
She has been given a platform to moan at those who lent her money at her
request by the BBC and thus is being funded in her moans by the licence
No sympathy!
- Arnold Schwarzenegger.
So let me get this straight. The Republicans (Arnold's party) put an
audio clip on their web site and called ``Hacking!'' when someone from
the rival party downloaded it. It's not hacking to download a publicly
available document - welcome to the web. And if you want to keep
something private, don't put it on a web server.
No sympathy!
- The SCO Group.
Oh dear.
No sympathy!
- Baroness Uddin.
Elevated to the peerage as one of Tony's cronies, Pola Uddin has
subsequently fleeced the taxpayers to the tune of £189,000, it is
alleged. The file is apparently with the CPS at the time of writing
(March 2010) and we can only hope that they throw the book at her.
No sympathy!
- Sprinkle emergency woman.
Being a part of a civilised society includes certain personal
responsibilities. Some people, however, just refuse to understand that.
Witness this numpty who dialled the 999 emergency number because ...
wait for it ... the ice cream she had just bought didn't have enough
sprinkles on it. Presumably the next time she is having a heart attack
she will be happy to wait for the ambulance while the emergency services
deal with someone else's ice cream problem.
No sympathy!
- Bianca Jagger.
Bianca Jagger is not a difficult person to despise. Among the more
insidious of her proclamations is the time when she linked to a widely
condemned document with the exhortation "Please read it carefully". Wise
words indeed; if only she had heeded them, later offering "[I] didn't
properly read its content" as her only defence.
No sympathy!
- Extinction Rebellion.
What would you do if you wanted to convince your fellow humans to switch
to environmentally-friendly transportation? Extinction Rebellion thought
that the best plan would be to delay a load of trains. Thankfully, some
commuters soon showed them the error of their ways.
No sympathy!